Friday, May 30, 2008

Chat Noir

I was so bad Wednesday.  I went to the pound on a whim to look at cats.  I wasn't hoping to take one home, but went "just to look."  But lately I've been surprisingly hard-hearted when it comes to animals, so I was quite surprised that I fell in love with a longhaired black, vivid yellow-orange eyed vixen of a six month old female kitty.  I stuck my fingers up to her cage and she quickly stuck her paws through the bars to just hold them.  But when I took her out of the cage, she didn't use her paws at all, but just happily purred and sat calmly on my lap.  This is basically what I want--a big, hairy, black marshmallow.  : )  

I may go get her tomorrow!

By the way, the photo does not nearly do her justice.  I can't yet think of a good name for her.  As a first-time cat owner, I would love all the advice I could get on owning a cat!  If I get her, I may have to frantically digest Cats for Dummies.  Please, any advice or name suggestions would be great.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

First understand shes not always gonna be like that. Cats have cycles in their moods. Sometimes she'll be aloof and bitchy, and other times cuddly and loving. They arent like dogs, only happy when youre happy. They are happy when they are happy and not before. Dont force her to cuddle when she doesnt want, or else shell come to hate being held and cuddled. let her have the space she needs. When you take her home she needs time to adjust and claim her space. She also needs fresh food, clean water, and a clean litter box.

Definitely read cats for dummies.