Saturday, June 28, 2008

Warm Fuzzies

I had the time of my life last night. I danced the night away. And not only did I dance the night away, but I got my friend E who was in town to dance with me, and he ended up having a blast! One of my favorite things in life is encouraging people to enjoy themselves to the fullest even if it means pushing the edge of comfortable. Many people don't feel comfortable dancing in public, but when you just let loose and allow yourself to have fun and not worry about anyone else around you, you end up having the most amazing time. It's funny, because six months ago I would have been the wallflower, but lately I've felt myself opening up and it's fabulous.

Yesterday afternoon I thought I would go see the little Siamese kitty I'm thinking about getting, but it fell through. I really hope tomorrow will work out. I feel like having a pet in my life would be really healthy for me right now--something to make me slow down a bit and appreciate the little things. There is just something about animals that makes a part of my heart open up that nobody else can warm. I really hope that when I meet this kitty for the first time she just feels like a good choice and a good fit into my life. Sometimes animals are the best to hold. If things go well, I'll probably post pictures! She would be ready to come home in about 3 weeks. I really hope it works out. I guess it can if I really want it to, but knowing exactly what you want is sometimes the hard part. Maybe I make life too confusing. Maybe life is simpler than we all make it out to be a lot of the time. But I'd really love a sweet little kitty to sit in my lap (and maybe even chase around) every day. : )

1 comment:

Martha Elaine Belden said...

i read the other post first... so yay! you're gonna be a mama :)

and yay for dancing. it really is freeing to just not care and dance in public. the days i get nervous and decide not to... i always regret.