I will officially be working 3 jobs in the following week.
I am beyond stressed. I am beyond busy. I have a feeble-at-best social life, yet I'm happy most of the time these days. There is something magic about being busy. I will admit, however, that I absolutely cannot wait for the 4th of July weekend. TWO UNADULTERATED DAYS OF RELAXATION.(!!!!)
I dream sometimes of being a beautiful bride, but know that day will not come for a long, long time. And I groan that we as women build up this one day our whole lives, build up that tower so high that nobody and nothing could ever reach our expectations locked up at the very top.
Lately, the idea of buying a house has persisted in remaining inside my brain. It is not the right time to buy a house. I do not have enough of an income to buy a house. Yet the nesting urge is striking fast and furious, and I have an overwhelming desire to decorate and call a place my very own. Sigh. But I guess there's nothing wrong, either, with having things to look forward to achieving. As satisfying as immediate gratification is.
Today I would like to eventually get my Ph.D. in Spanish, with some kind of Latin American studies emphasis. And maybe an Anthropological twist. And other days I want to break into the Fashion Design industry. And even other days I think maybe Deaf Ed. isn't so bad. Spanish is standing out the most right now, though.
Did I ever mention how much teachers have to work their asses off?!!!! I think every kid when they start to reach that ornery, give-teachers-crap phase, should have to plan a full day of class and teach it. We would revolutionize America in this manner.
I love how I'm learning to enjoy life even when it's confusing and I don't have all the answers.
P.S. It is a sad existence at my age to have children's toys scattered throughout the back of my car and to go to bed religiously at 9pm. But I'm happy, mostly.