Saturday, December 20, 2008

I feel this sense of fullness, happiness, and content.  We have no holes but the ones we fabricate.  Life is worth living.  Deep connections with anyone are still possible and of utmost necessity.  It is misguided beliefs that separate us from others.  Those beliefs start in the mind and must also end in the mind.  This is what will cure society of all its ills and enable us, together, to move on.  We must no longer allow ideas to unnecessarily separate us from others.  When we see the deep goodness shining out of people everywhere, we are One.  We must attune our vision to this shining goodness by quieting our hearts and minds.  Love for all humankind is truly the answer.  

We have no more holes, no more brokenness, if we believe we are whole.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

If only inner peace were as easy to acheive as that...