Monday, May 28, 2007

Once in a blue moon, there are some questions that just render themselves unanswerable. I happened to encounter one such question this weekend in Memphis for my cousin's wedding.

Having arrived a day early to enjoy ourselves, my parents, Shawn, and I went downtown to enjoy dinner, sitesee, walk out the impending blood clots in our legs from prolonged car riding, etc.

The happenin' street in downtown Memphis is dubbed "Beale Street." It's kind of your typical area of nightlife with a rock n roll flair. (That's what Memphis is about, after all.) We get to the end of this street and there before our very eyes stands a vast group of people with blood-spattered clothes, grotesquely dark eye makeup, and even a pregnant lady with what looks like the traces entrails hanging off of her belly. My dad walks over to two of these young men and asks what everyone is doing. Instead of gracing us with an, oh, human response, they immediately hunch down, arms trailing toward the ground, and begin moaning. Dad just laughs goodheartedly and we move on to find dinner. We eventually overhear talk that it is a zombie invasion.

While in the restaurant we settle into (also located on Beale Street), we inform the waitress of said interesting happenings. With a look of genuine innocence, she exclaims,

"Oh, do you think they're real?"


Martha Elaine Belden said...


that's hilarious!

Cara said...

oh my goodness! i don't know what to think about this.

crackers and cheese said...

How bizarre! I'm kinda frightened of zombies more than most fictional "monsters" because they're kinda less fictional (I need a post to explain my thoughts), so I'd probably be really freaked out seeing them! But looking at their website, I would have a really fun time joining them!

One of my favorite high school theatre roles was playing the sister buried alive in the Fall of the House of Usher - weeks later, students came up and told me how scary I was! I also once was a volunteer actor for an EMT training group and got made up as a person injured in a plane crash, and that was a lot of fun too!