I've always been raised to not believe in ghosts, but lately they've been a common theme in conversation. A cartoon ghost even appeared on tv tonight, just hours after I had an extended conversation about them with a friend and received an email about them from someone else! (Those kinds of coincidences are creepy. *shivers*)
It intrigues me that at least 3 people very close to me, and who I trust, have ghost stories from their own lives. One friend was telling me hers, and it literally made all the hairs on my body stand on end.
I feel like I'm going through this really spacey, superstitious phase. Or at least I'm interested in finding out more about things I've previously blown off as silly or a spoof.
What do you think? Are ghosts real? Please feel free to share any ghost stories, the creepier, the better! (I think I may have already asked for ghost stories around Halloween, but if you have more or want to repost, that's fine, too.)
Boo! ; )
hmm... i don't know what to think about ghosts. i, like you, have people in my life whom i trust tell stories about encounters with ghosts, spirits, whatever.
but i've never experienced anything, aside from their creepy stories, that would lead me to believe in them. additionally, i don't think faith (at least Christian faith) and ghosts line up... if we believe that when you die your soul goes to one of two places (and neither of those two places being the place in which you were killed or the graveyard or whatever)... therefore, i can't justify, for myself, belief in the smoky apparitions.
but i can certainly understand your fascination. it's a phenomenon i wish i understood more... and belief in, sightings of "ghosts" or whatever, date back centuries.
sometimes i wonder if it's not a trick of the devil and his minions to put fear and doubt in our hearts. or if being trapped in an ghost-like existence is the true equivalent of a purgatory or something... like the old "unfinished business" thing.
but who knows... as i said, fascinating inquiry :)
Hm, this is an interesting question and a hard one to answer.
I think I do believe in ghosts but never really think about them, except for after hearing stories or reading something like this (your blog). I feel lucky that I haven't experienced my own ghost story. I think that would freak me out.
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