Monday, November 05, 2007


This was a fascinating videoclip about Gay Mormons.

For some reason homosexuality has always fascinated me. And lately the LDS Church has ignited a growing interest. Both are groups that I do not believe I will ever have any desire to be a member of within my lifetime, but their differences from myself I find intriguing.

It was the negative (if not horrific) treatment of gays and lesbians by the Christian Church that pushed me over the edge in the way I relate to the Christian religion. Granted, I know that not all Christians treat gays and lesbians poorly, but seeing how a large deal of them treated gays and lesbians as well of the negative views on gays that I was raised with made me start to wonder if I wanted to be connected with people who could say and do things like that.

Anyway, I really didn't want to open a can of worms, and that is a whole other story, but I hope you take something of worth from the videoclip.

1 comment:

crackers and cheese said...

I'm reading a really interesting book right now by Mel White called "Stranger at the Gate: To be Gay and Christian in America." Really, really fascinating.

BTW, I made a post on my blog.