Sunday, April 08, 2007

Cool Accento

Ok, so I'm the self-proclaimed nerd of the century, but I thought this site was crazy cool, if not hilarious. It contains various recordings of people with all kinds of different accents saying the same paragraph. I personally enjoyed the Moroccan man entry. May I also note that it is quite sad that I thoroughly enjoyed reading the phonetic transcription on the right side. Enjoy.

Just go here.

Hope everyone had a fabulous Easter/break off school/whatever you do in early April. I know I had enough fantastic food to last me a week. And I mean not eating for a week straight. But if I did that, then those amazing leftovers would go to waste, and I'm not sure what crime that qualifies for, but I'm pretty sure you'd serve at least 6 months if you wasted food that good.

Hope everyone had a wonderful day full of meaning and closeness with those you love, regardless of your beliefs. I don't know if this Easter was very meaningful to me in a religious sense, but it was incredibly meaningful in a personal way. I feel so lucky to be near to so many people who words just can't describe their inner beauty.

I feel so lucky to be close to you.

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