Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask youself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -Gil Balie


Martha Elaine Belden said...

hmmm... i like this quote.

but i also don't.

i still think it's more important to be focused on others instead of always focused on ourselves. i think we're growing more and more obsessed with ourselves... and i don't believe it's a good thing.

The Pensive Poet said...

Yeah, I felt a little twinge of that, too, but posted the quote because I think the theme of staying true to yourself is an important one. However, being completely caught up in oneself with no regard for others is bad news.

For the record... said...

This quote rings really true with me. I've always had this idea that everyone was put on this earth to *do* a certain thing. Not necessarily write symphonies, all of us, but we all know that feeling of being around someone who's truly talented at whatever it is they do. It's...intoxicating. Keep searching until you find it, and then do it until you die!
You'll know because it'll make you feel free.