Sunday, November 12, 2006


For some reason dreams have always interested me. I love to hear people's totally wild and random ones. And sometimes it's fun to speculate about what they might mean. I believe that what you dream at night is your mind trying to process things from the day. And sometimes you can work through problems by analyzing your dreams. One time a friend of mine told me the most absurdly bizarre dream, but after we talked about it she saw that it related to something she had been struggling with that week!

I don't really believe in those dream manuals that tell you what stuff in your dream symbolizes. That seems pretty phony and superstitious. Feel free to prove me wrong. But I do think it might help to pay a little more attention to dreams and think about whether they can relate to anything in your life. If you think about it, when you're asleep is probably the time that you're the most honest with yourself and your mind is most open to expression. Sometimes during the day you can supress thoughts, but it's not quite as easy to do that when you're asleep.

The human mind is so fascinating.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Today felt like a light broke through the clouds.

In so many ways I have felt lately like I am in a muddled standstill, this sense of unrest, unsettledness, questions, uncertainties... And this is very suprising because there's not much I would change about my life right now. I love my major, have the most wonderful boyfriend, live in the cutest little house with two of the sweetest girls, have plenty of family and friends who care deeply about me and actively show it...the list goes on and on.

Today I realized that most of these unsettled feelings are really just me--personal issues. When I don't have something figured out, it's all to easy to wish the world into a standstill. Yet life keeps on going. And it can be so darn frustrating.

One thing rock climbing has taught me in the past months that especially has shone through lately is that the vast majority of life is mental. Let me say that again:

The vast majority of life is mental.

If you really want something and work hard toward it, chances are, you'll get it.

I guess how the light broke through today was that at a time when I felt dry, I finally saw a little glimpse of how I'm growing, and how it is beautiful. I'm getting a little better at rock climbing. I'm getting a little better at being myself around strangers. I'm not caring so much anymore about what others think of me. I'm loving my boyfriend more every day and really can't/don't want to picture myself with anyone else (he's just such a great person!).

There is still so much improvement and growth that needs to and will take place, but sometimes it's just a fresh breath of air to see that you're at least heading in the right direction. I finally felt a little bit of peace come to rest.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I have to admit it. I have to confess.

I want to have just one shady little story about how I got "that" tattoo.